Eco Friendly & Sustainable
The BalloonGrip® balloon holder is an engineered cardboard balloon stick, designed to hold an inflated natural rubber balloon.
Easily assembled for balloon giveaways and suitable for both children and adults, the eco-friendly BalloonGrip® balloon holder comes in either plain white, colourful party designs or a natural wood effect, or can be custom printed with your brand logo.
Award Winning
3 Current Stock Designs


Wood Effect

Plain White
Bespoke Printing & Promotional Branding in Full Colour

Environmentally Friendly
The Only Viable, Sustainable Alternative to Plastic Balloon Sticks
Many of our existing clients have already pledged to reduce their use of single plastics. With BalloonGrip® balloon holders, we can offer you an affordable, recyclable, eco-friendly alternative to plastic balloon sticks that allows you to continue planning popular branded marketing activities for your customers.

Quick & Easy to Assemble
Step 1

Insert the neck of the balloon through the centre hole, and back through one of the side holes.
Step 2

Wrap the neck of the balloon through the slits on the side of the BalloonGrip® balloon holder
Step 3

Finally, fix the neck in place in the second slit. This will keep the air in the balloon.
Video Instructions
Downloadable Instruction Leaflets
(Hover over your desired instruction leaflet below)

For Pre-Inflated Balloons
BalloonGrip® balloon holder instructions for balloons inflated and knotted before being attached to the holder.Instructions for Pre-Inflated Balloons

For Uninflated Balloons
BalloonGrip® balloon holder instructions for balloons to be inflated once attached to the holderInstructions for Uninflated Balloons
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